
Friday 2 January 2015

'Tis the season to dress warmer...

Winter, is without a doubt my favourite season. Here are just a few reasons why I love winter:

The first snow of the year
Advent Calendars
The magic
Christmas Trees
Fairy Lights
The smell of baking
Mince Pies and Rudolph's Carrot
Christmas Dinner
A time for family
Lighting the fire
The stocking on the fireplace
Tea and biscuits
Candy Canes
Yankee Candles
Messy Bun

Woolly hats, scarves and gloves
Sledging and Snowmen
Oversized Jumpers
Winter Fashion
Bed socks
Christmas Specials
 My no1 Christmas film (the Grinch)
A New Year, marks a New Beginning
Let me know what your favourite things about winter are...

Happy 2015!!!

Let's make it good...

Out with the old, in with the new...

Hello reader,
HAPPY 2015!!!
A new year, a new me. I've heard this saying many times... but is it really true?
Today, being the first day of 2015, i decided was the perfect day to begin to write a blog. I have to admit that the keeping of a diary in order to document my experiences of teenage life, never lived up to its full potential. To be honest, i think the real reason why it never worked out was because my life was just never interesting enough hehe :)
The full meaning of this blog is not to merely express thoughts regarding my life, i have decided to give this blog a go in hope of writing and explaining my views on real- life situations (ones in which all teenage girls will someday find themselves having to deal with). In return i hope you are able to respond with your thoughts and feelings  in relation to what i may have blogged about, and together, we can carry on this journey.
Every year someone asks me "What are your new year resolutions?" It is now 18:44pm and i have still not come up with at least one suitable resolution. Each year it is always the same:
  • Stop biting my fingernails
  • Eat less choocolate
  • Do more exercise
But this year is an important year for me. I am now in year eleven *for any American girls reading, it is the equivalent to a sophomore* and will be sitting my GCSEs in May and June of this year. I feel like i should make the effort in to making my new year's resolutions more meaningful this year. Something really to strive for... Have you come up with any resolutions? or do you have any suggestions? Let me know in the comment section and do not hesitate to contact me.
I guess that is all for now and I hope you continue reading my blog in the future.
Eleanor X